
Summer School 2007

OMG, I can't believe my classmates!!

They're all so damn dilligent and active, they make me nauseous! I even have the luck of being assigned to the group with the most active people, constantly in debates and dishing out info, highest percentage of show of hands to comment each and every subject the lecturer throws at them.

Yeah, I know that THAT is the ideal condition of a class, but it's just so damn tiring! It's so hot outside already without the heated feeling of debate and competition in the class.

All the goody-two-shoes of the uni seemed to have assembled together in that class & I feel like the kid who always cuts class and comes late, even though I'm doing nothing of the sort!

And the assignment burden is more than I'd imagined... *sob*
Phew, better brace myself and channel my inner workaholic soul (if I can find it, hehe)...

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