
Things that Make Me Want to Get the Hell Outta Here!!!

I'm so tired of this so-called office I'm stuck in.... I've wanted to quit since 2 years ago but things just seem to come up all the time I've mustered the courage--hold on, not the courage to say "I quit" to the boss, but the courage to conquer my over-bearing conscience & dumb quasi-patriotic ambition to "do my part" for my country. Also, I'm always stumped waiting for the "right moment". It never seems to come, and when it does, there's always something that keeps me from quitting. :/

Well, some things encourage me even more to soldier on, but some other things succeeded in dampening my mood.
This is my effort to sort things out, in my attempt to determine whether to quit this job....

Good things:
1. I actually like this job better than other jobs I've tried, and I feel that I'm pretty good at this
2. The person in charge of my unit. She's smart, kind, caring & bold. Although her sharp tongue can hurt your feelings, it's just her way and if you get to know her you'd understand. Ppl hate her because she's strict but I respect her for it.
3. There are some really decent ppl here, and they've shown me kind attention these past 3 years.
4. The ppl I get to meet because of this job. Some great personalities and friends I found because of this job.

Ugly aspects:
1. The corruption
2. The corruption
3. The corruption
4. (Blind) nepotism. I'm not against relatives helping each other to get a job, provided they'll be good at it, and earn it, and are better than others competing for the same job. But the examples here are APALLING!!!
5. Getting certain positions because they're related or close to someone in higher positions. Still in connection with the one above, but this is worse, because these types are usually only good at ass-kissing and snatching opportunities.
6. The person who was previously head of my unit (wont tell which unit, because it's not fair, this is just my own opinion and dislikes). Pessimist and compliant to the boss' wishes, and at some occasions accused me of not "working hard enough" when I've sacrificed quite a lot for this job. (including a vast portion of my social life & time with my family)
7. The ass-kissers (included and not included in #5)
8. Missing the opportunity to be with my baby boy. I wasn't the one who saw him lean over and grab his feet for the first time, and I might also miss other golden moments. If only I can take time off for a couple of years, or work from home.....
9. The distance between my house and the office. Not a prob before, but now it's different.
10. Some ppl at work who just seem to get on my nerve!!!!

So... what does that give me? 4 reasons to stay and... 10 reasons to quit (even if numbers 2 & 3 don't count, there'd still be 8, and I can think of some more, heh heh).
I'll just wait till the right moment comes, maybe in a couple of months time...
Hopefully, I'll have a darn good reason for quitting by then.